Nadia and Andrew have been playing soccer together again this spring. These photo were taken during the session last fall. Journal block reads: After watching your brothers play soccer for sometime now, you were excited for your first season. In September 2011 you played on the orange team for Ames Parks and Recreation Kiddies Kickers program. You enjoyed learning new soccer skills and had a great time doing it. But your favorite part was having an all girls team. Unfortunately, you girls were giggling and cart wheeling and forgetting about soccer. Daddy, your coach had to remind you girls that you were playing soccer not gymnastics. Your Daddy just sighed, “girls?!” But don’t worry, he loved spending time with you no matter what sport you were practicing.
Supplies used: LivE overlay
Jen Martakis_simplestarts 24
I really liked this photo of the kids from Easter. Design House Digital is a scrapbooking site with lots of fun and free things for digital or hybrid scrapers. This page was for the April Blueprint / sketch challenge and the April color challenge.
Supplies used:
jen-flaherty template
CountYourMemories by EricaCoombs (Pink Dahlia Designs)
JournalersVol1 by EricaCoombs (Pink Dahlia Designs)
JustTheBasics-PaintSplatters by EricaCoombs (Pink Dahlia Designs)
autumnal by EricaCoombs (Pink Dahlia Designs)
Jan 25, 2018
7 years ago
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