It doesn't seem to stop raining and more rain is in the forecast for this week. We have received over 7 inches since the first of June and the last week of may was wet as well. The river has returned to its banks, but it will likely spill back over in the next few days. Brook side park is still completely unusable.
The boys were supposed to go on a church father / son camp out Friday night and Saturday canceled due to flooding at Ledges State Park. The rain held off long enough to have a neighborhood garage sale on Saturday morning. We had about 4 tables. I gave Ben and Ethan each 30 dollars from the proceeds to start off their summer allowance. They are really excited to spend it, I'm afraid that this will be a hard lesson to learn. I am trying to suggest they save it for our trip. I hope they can be convinced. Allowance will be earned the rest of the summer at the rate of $1 / week. They will be given an "X" for behaviors that I find disrespectful (complaining, talking back, not listening, etc...) If they get five "X"s in a week, no allowance! We found some nice banks that have 3 sections - church - savings - spending. Andrew suggested 50 cents a week to savings. We will see how it goes.
Our Sunday activities were canceled as well. We were supposed to have a church potluck and this was the first evening of Roosevelt Summer Sundays. Our neighborhood concerts in the park. We really enjoy them and were looking forward to it. The adults sit and relax, listen to music and the kids play soccer or on the play structure.
Rain, Rain go away..... come back some other day!
Jan 25, 2018
7 years ago
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