Yesterday a new baby girl was added to our family. My sister and Brother-in-law had a baby girl! They named her Sienna Alishia. She was delivered by C-section because she was breech. The doctors told Rachel that she had a very short cord and could not turn. Everyone seemed to be well last night, but I did not get too many details. Unfortunately she is in Panama, so I can't run to the hospital to see her. My mom is there, so I hope to have a few more details and a photo soon.
By the way, if you read the post from last week, Andrew turned 38!!! Man he is getting old! (insert an evil sounding laugh here) My mother-in-law sent me an email with the math included, Thanks Joanne.
That's all for today, Wednesdays are really short days. The boys get out of school at 2pm instead of the regular 3:20. I also teach a night class on Wednesdays, so busy, busy day.
Jan 25, 2018
7 years ago
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