The weather was beautiful today! The Boys, including Dad, decided to play on the backyard rink.
It is always Dad vs. the boys. Boys usually win! I can't believe they wanted to spend more time on the ice. This family seems to live and breathe the sport. How early is to early to teach a child to skate. Andrew is starting Nadia now.....
I have to teach at DMACC tomorrow, I was suppose to teach last weekend, but it was postponed due to weather. I am not looking forward to it, but it much be done.
Have a great weekend.
Tricia | February 24, 2008 at 10:45 AM
It's neve to early to start to skate is it? James takes the kids to St. Vital duck pond all the time. James is not much of a sport fan but the tiem is what I think James hates the most. Greg's dream to play has been crushed but hopefully playing other sports will help him live a little. Glad to hear thye had a great time.
Cheri | February 26, 2008 at 4:09 PM
Sounds like a good trip, and kudos to you that everyone got so much good exercise!:) I want to take Christopher skating here in Ames. I need to find out the times for open skate.