Wow! How did life get so crazy. Today was my first day back at Dmacc, I am not really looking forward to a regular commitment. I was enjoying my vacation time way to much! This semester, I am teaching 2 classes and taking 1. I have taught both classes before, so they should not be too much work. I decided to sign up for an online Sports Nutrition class for my Continuing Education credits. I am taking it through DMACC, I qualified for a discount, and my good friend is teaching it, so how could I pass it up. It just means a little extra work.
Today we were blessed with several more inches of snow. The wind is supposed to start blowing and create blizzard like conditions into tomorrow morning. School let out early, but it was perfect outside, so we decided to go sledding for a little while.
Oh, I forgot to mention that between DMACC and early dimissal, Nadia and I brought cupcakes to Ethan's school for his Birthday.
The boys are at Hockey practice; Nadia and I are going to bed early tonight.
Jan 25, 2018
7 years ago
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