It's been almost a week since I last blogged. I apologize to everyone who has stopped by and found nothing new. Life has really gotten away from me this Winter. People say that it's just a phase, enjoy it, it will soon be over. I really want to make sure that I don't take it for granted and missed something.
Here's brief list of this week's happenings.
I am taking the 3rd digital scrapbooking class. I love what fun things you can do with your computer. I will never give up paper scrapping, computer scrapping just gives me another creative outlet and more projects to work on. I really needed that! NOT! I will post a few photos later this week.
This week starts Spring break for the boys. We had 3 days off this week and all of next week. I have heard many parents complaining, but I am really looking forward to having sometime at home without a schedule. The boys might be complaining by the end of the week! I have a few jobs planned, I love child labor. (insert evil laugh)
Parent/Teachers conferences were on Tuesday. Both the boys are doing fantastic. Ethan continues to be in the top reading group and is now doing mini research projects and study guides after he reads a book.
Ben's is excelling in all his subjects. His test grades are rarely below a 90%. He continues to be a little bit of a class clown and need to focus, listen more and talk less. Surprise! Once he warms up to a situation, he is hard to stop!
Today was a hockey day in Mason City and Dinner at the Rib Crib. Yum, Yum,
Ethan's team lost both games. I think the enthusiasm is starting to wane. I don't blame them. I am ready for a little down time myself.
Jan 25, 2018
7 years ago
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