Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers reading my blog.   I hope you are having a great day. 


 Today is Ben's 12th Birthday.   Only 1 more year before he enters the teenage years.   OH BOY!   Today were celebrated with Dinner at HY-VEE.   He loves the all-you-can-eat salad bar.   Later this week, we will invite a few friends over for a video game marathon.   Here's a few photos of my 12 year old.

Let's Scrap template

Let's scrap is celebrating National Scrapbook day with Several Challenges and lots of prices.
I have decided to create a digital template, to help my digi friends out there complete this challenge.  You can find the template on 4share:  Let's Scrap digital template
Here the original sketch created by Cheri:

Here's my digital template: 

Please let me know if you found it useful.   I hope to create a page with it later this week.